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OCC P.L.A.N. Notice of Interest Form

PLAN Partnership with OCC

E A R L Y    C O L L E G E


Barnegat High School students have the opportunity to participate in the PLAN program with Ocean County College. PLAN, Promoting Learners to Achieve Now, is a program through which students complete at least 24 college credits through OCC prior to the receipt of a high school diploma. The Southern Education Center is a convenient and accommodating location for BHS students to consider, and all students are encouraged to maximize course offerings at this particular campus because of this. However, all credits through Ocean County College completed prior to the receipt of a high school diploma will be considered for PLAN program completion requirements. Students completing PLAN will receive special recognition at high school graduation and this will also be formally noted on their transcripts.

PLAN incentivizes students to complete their freshman year of college as a high school student, incorporating the already-existing “Early College” (formerly JumpStart) program with OCC. The Early College program permits students in high school to earn college credits at a discounted rate. Any student who wishes to enroll in any OCC class may start the process through the counseling office and with administrative approval. Students can participate in the Early College program without completing 24-30 credits, and simply would not be considered for PLAN Program completion.

Sophomores, juniors and seniors will be permitted to pursue college-level courses at their own expense, and on their own time. The PLAN program is designed with a threefold purpose: (1) to help students complete their freshman year of college; (2) to access collegiate support services; (3) to provide students with additional insight into certain career fields not necessarily requiring a traditional four-year preparation, again providing an additional base upon which to arrive at decisions concerning future plans. See below for our dual enrollment offerings, differentiated by partnered institution. Only those from Ocean County College will be considered for the PLAN program.